Opal-Convert Excel CSV To SQL [Latest-2022] Opal-Convert Excel CSV To SQL Crack + Free Opal-Convert Excel/CSV to SQL is a convenient and reliable application designed to export Excel / CSV worksheet data to various database types. The list of databases supported by the application includes MySQL, MS Access, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Ingres, SQLite and DB2. Opal-DB: Description: Opal-DB is a PHP class designed to easily read / create / update database tables from Excel, CSVs, Text files and any data source. Supports MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. Supports InnoDB, MyISAM, Aria, and Spatial Requires PHP 5.3.0 or higher. Dependencies: XML, JSON, SimpleXML, DOM, PHPExcel, PHPExcel2, PHPExcel2, ZipArchive, SoapClient, PDO Author: George Matikas 1a423ce670 Opal-Convert Excel CSV To SQL With Keygen What's New in the Opal-Convert Excel CSV To SQL? System Requirements For Opal-Convert Excel CSV To SQL: Windows: System requirements are as follows: MINIMUM System Requirements: • Windows 8.1 64-bit processor or later, including any newer release of Windows Server 2016 (Core) • Dual-core 2 GHz processor or faster • 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended) • 16 GB free hard drive space • Graphics hardware with a DirectX 9-compatible driver • Internet access RECOMMENDED System
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