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What is Fluidsim? Fluidsim is a 3D simulation software with which users can create, analyze, and render fluid flows. Fluid behavior in engineering fields can be simulated by using Fluidsim to predict pressure drop across obstructions or air bubbles draining from containers (i.e., the Venturi effect). Examples of fields that use Fluidsim are civil engineering, medical engineering, environmental engineering, chemistry, chemical process plants and pharmaceutical plants. The software provides ways to model incompressible or compressible fluids in order to better understand how they act in different situations. Users can interactively change fluid properties or flow conditions while running simulations for visualization purposes. What is Fluidsim 5? Fluidsim 4 was the first version of Fluidsim to be released on the Windows platform, and was subsequently followed by version 5, which still uses OpenGL for graphics. The newer Fluidsim 6 has been rewritten to use OpenCL. For more details, see below. Although old versions of Fluidsim are no longer available, they can sometimes be downloaded from internet archives. Fluidsim 5 has four main tabs: "create", "simulate", "visualize" and "help". The "create" tab lets users import equations with an object oriented equation editor. Both SI and non-SI units can be used. Data is imported from .csv files and can also be calculated in the software. For most objects, it is possible to edit individual properties such as diameter and length, and for some objects it is possible to create new objects from scratch by using a library of predefined shapes or by using a set of shapes that can be freely manipulated in 3D space. It is also possible to create objects with the help of a CAD tool and import them into Fluidsim. The "simulate" tab allows users to simulate different types of fluid flows. The software offers a built-in library of hydraulic and pneumatic components such as pipes, valves and pumps. It is possible to set the individual properties for these components, such as diameter and length. Complex flow behavior can be created by using user-defined material models that describe the physical properties of fluids such as viscosity or density, which can then be applied to all objects in a simulation as needed. The equations used by Fluidsim are imported from various standards, e.g. the ISO 8777 series. The simulation process includes steps for geometry simplification, pre-processing, solving the equations, post-processing and visualization. The "visualize" tab is used to do two-dimensional and three-dimensional post-processing of results in order to inspect flow details or visualize different fluid properties. This tab can also be used to create plots that illustrate how different parameters vary over time. A very important feature of Fluidsim is its ability to render fluid animations in high frame rates in real time using OpenGL graphics. This allows users to visualize the complicated flow behavior in their simulations. eccc085e13